Parents, Please take a few minutes to fill out this form. This gives us valuable information to assist...
📚 Parents, be part of your child’s education journey! Oscar Adams Elementary’s new Parental...
English 2024-2025 Title I School-Parent Compact Spanish Spanish 2024-2025 Title I School-Parent Compact...
Title I Compact English 2023-24 Title I Compact Spanish 2023-24
Powerschool is the new system that our district is using for attendance and grades. You can find your...
School Calendar   file:///C:/Users/tsmitherman/Downloads/E-3%202023-2024%20GCS%20Rev.%202%20APPROVED.pdf
🖍Kindergarten registration is open. Please use the following link to register.
If you need technical assistance, please visit the Parent Academy site using the following link…....