Accelerated Reader Implementation Guidelines
This year we are putting into place several general guidelines for the Accelerated Reading program. This is to help protect the integrity of the program. AR is a great program with many great benefits. Establishing these guidelines will ensure that we are providing our students the opportunity to build a love for reading as well as challenging them to set and meet personal goals.
The guidelines are as follows:
- Start Date – All students will take STAR literacy or Early Literacy Tests tests to determine a beginning ZPD for the school year.
- Point Goals/ Comprehension Goals – A formula will be used to set two goals for each student individually. The formula consists of a students reading range (ZPD) and time given in class for reading AR books. Using this formula ensures that the goal set is attainable for each student. Students that meet their reading goals will be rewarded each nine week period. See AR Goals Reward System link below for more details about rewards.
- Reading Certifications – In addition to point and comprehension goals, students will be given the opportunity to earn reading certification levels at graduation.
- General Testing Guidelines – Students should be testing on titles in their Reading Range. Teachers will make these ranges available to all students. Testing is only allowed during the school day while at school. Students will not be able to test at home. Students may test during Tutoring or Edge with a teacher’s approval.
If you want to learn more , there is a parent “Home Connect” aspect to this program. When you log into it, you can see your child’s progress and also sign up to receive email notifications for tests taken by your student. See Home Connect handout for directions for logging in at home. Please feel free to contact Mrs. Tudor for help or questions about the Accelerated Reader program.